Sunday 28 July 2013

Back to the Mountains

Saturday 27 July and Sunday 28 July
As days go it is probably fair to say that Saturday was necessary but not hugely enjoyable.  Via Michelin told me that it would be a six and a half hour journey to Argeles-Gazost in the Pyrenees and that was allowing for a bit of off-motorway sightseeing through Mirepoix and St Lizier. Well flexibility is a good thing - we left Cassis at 8.30 am and arrived in Argeles-Gazost at 6 pm. without deviating from the autoroute!   Note 1:  do not be silly enough to drive the AutoRoute du Soleil during the summer vacation - especially on a Saturday!  Note 2:  Stay away from all autoroutes that pass by Nimes!  We spent a few jolly hours in les grandes bouchons (traffic jams that is) and even when we escaped to the service areas for a bite to eat the crowds were a bit overwhelming. I think the majority of the 83million people who visit France each year plus at least half of the French population (63million) were on their way to Spain for the summer hols.  The rest were returning from Spain on the Narbonne - Toulouse autoroute. 
The very non-scenic AutoRoute du Soleil - near Montpelier

We had to ditch our plans for sightseeing and stick to the peages in order to make it to Argeles in time to meet our hosts.  Fortunately after Toulouse the road was a) not busy and b) a really good road - it eventually goes through to Spain on the Atlantic Coast.  As we approached Argeles we could see some really high mountain peaks in the hazy and cloudy conditions and even had a spot of rain.  True to form however we drove into Argeles in the sunshine. 
Did I mention that TomTom quit on us this morning?  We had to drive all the way relying on signage and some previous experience - not really a problem.  The only hiccup was finding our house in Argeles which is a bit of a maze of narrow streets.  We were very happy to drive into the driveway of a typical village house and to be greeted by Genevieve and Alain who are charming and very friendly.  The house was "granddad's house" and I think the furnishings remain from his time.  It is very quaint but ever so comfy and in a lovely part of the town - on the flat! 

Maree and Mel outside our Argeles-Gazost house
Maree is delighted to hear that there is an elevator from our part of town to the centre ville so no hill climbing.  Every town should have one! We can hear a busy mountain stream flowing nearby and we have a large garden. All the living is upstairs and there is a balcony with pleasant views towards the mountains.  Rushed off  Carrefour for supplies, a new TomTom (indispensable) and then  cooked dinner (yummy Toulouse sausages for the first time this trip and seal of approval from Jess) before crashing into bed.


Nice to be a bit lazy this morning after our journey yesterday - only the sounds of the birds and the river.  We are in a residential part of the town - local traffic only so it is very peaceful.   Late in the morning we strolled into the centre but didn't find the elevator so it was a steep climb.  Argeles has a busy and surprisingly large centre with shops, restaurants and hotels.  It is very pretty - lots of trees and bright flowers and wonderful views up and down the valley. 

Being Sunday the town was largely closed apart from the restaurants  which appeared to be filling up nicely.  We had some good things in our frig after our supermarket trip so took ourselves home for lunch on the balcony.  It is cooler here today( around 25 degrees) and mostly blue skies.
Argeles-Gazost - Centre Ville

Mel had discovered that there is an animal park largely devoted to animals from the Pyrenees in Argeles.  We thought it could be interesting - maybe a few deer and some mountain goats - and we would give it a go.  Well, were we in for a surprise. Parc Animalier des Pyrenees is absolutely world class -a stunning place that ascends a steep hill behind the town.  Today we saw many of the animals that live in the mountains and learnt about their habitats, their way of life and how important they are  to the delicate alpine environment.  The animals live in semi-freedom in the park and there are also displays of typical flora, a fascinating mushroom exhibit  and many birds from tiny finches to mighty vultures.  We spent three hours wandering through the park and enjoying the animals and their antics.  There is a little video clip on the park's website which gives some idea of how beautiful this place is.  Here is the link:

While all the animals were special Jess and I had our absolute favourite - the cheeky, funny little cartoon characters, the marmots. We were thrilled to be able to go into the enclosure and feed them.  They are totally fearless and climb all over whoever has some food for them.  When their little tummies are full they flop down on the rocks.  Soooooo cute!
I'll take this one home please!

 We  also spent ages watching the brown bear family -mum, dad and two cubs.  Awesome animals.
Hey, throw me an apple too!

Very handsome Monsieur Lynx
  Loved the otters too - they are so happy fooling about in the water.  Then there were the red squirrels, the cats including a beautiful lynx and the miniature goats and so many more!
Red squirrel cutie pie

The park also has an impressive display of stuffed animals from all around the world.  Besides being a place to see the animals, the park is very involved in protecting the endangered species of the Pyrenees, particularly the bears and wolves. So glad we have had the opportunity to visit this wonderful facility.
Jess wants a baby mini goat as well as a marmot

After dinner this evening Jess and Mel went cycling around the town which is very quiet on a Sunday evening.  Maree and I had a pleasant walk, admiring some of the attractive houses and gardens -a great variety of trees and flowering shrubs seem to thrive here and the roses are magnificent.  So the end of a lovely day.  We are liking Argeles-Gazost very much.
Evening bicycle tour of Argeles

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