Sunday 12 July 2015

Lazy Days in Positano

Sunday 28 June - Friday 3 July

Somehow we all managed to arrive in Naples over the weekend to begin our week in Positano - Caroline via road trip from northern Italy (with Cheryl and Christy who have now returned to London), Jess from London, Alex and Zac from Australia and moi, from Frankfurt.  Still to come Aurora and Amy from New Zealand and Stefano from Azerbaijan (with a London stopover).  Bit of a mission really, but here we are in sunny Italy.
Heading around the Bay of Naples from the airport - Mt Vesuvius dominating.

It is not far from Naples Airport to Positano but the twisting, hilly, scary road makes for slow going and glorious views.
View from the car on the road to Positano
  Found our villa easily - only one vehicle road in Positano which loops up and around in a circle (one way).   We are two-thirds of the way down the steep hill on the western side of town, directly above the smaller of two beaches (Fornillo).  A fantastic location - away from the hustle and noise of the downtown area, but within easy walking distance of everything.  And if trudging uphill home is too much, there is a cute little bus, Interno Positano, which will deposit us virtually at our front door.
View from our terrace
We met Gaetano, our landlord who is charming and very helpful, and settled in - we have the middle level of a huge villa - 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, kitchen, living room and huge terrace with endless views over the houses that tumble down the hillside to the sea.  Behind us jagged peaks soar skywards to dizzying heights.  What a landscape!
Looking up from the terrace
  The sea and sky are brilliant blue, the mountain vegetation is still green from winter rains and there are intensely hued flowers everywhere.  The area is renowned for lemons and they are mind-boggling - the size of melons!  Sweet, juicy and delicious!
World's best lemons!
 So, we settled in and then took ourselves down the hill to the centre of town, ogling at the views around every corner.
On the road to the centre of Positano
  The centre is pedestrians only with steep little lanes leading down to the sea.  Shops seem to feature clothes or lemon-themed souvenirs.
Limoncello anyone?
  On the way down we happened upon a restaurant with a shady terrace that drew us in - for the rest of the week La Zagara became our favourite watering/feeding hole - great coffee, tasty food, friendly service and lovely surroundings.  No sea view but cool and refreshing with views up to the mountains, spray mist to keep us cool and leafy vines overhead.
Lunch at La Zagara
We finally made it to the beach - lovely (?) dark grey gravel beach, lots of beach clubs (sunbeds and brollies), cafes, boats coming and going and of course the crystal clear blue, blue water.
The "big" beach at Positano
The week has been mostly lounging on the terrace or on sunbeds at the beach,
Relaxing at Fornilo Beach

 savouring the wonderful Italian food,
Snack with a view - across the street from our place
 swimming, browsing in the shops and generally chilling out.
Fornillo Beach
  It is so nice to be all together, enjoying the sunshine and the scenery.  We are content to be here but have spent one day venturing a little further along the coast and have a private boat tour booked for Saturday to Capri.   The car has been safely locked up in a parking garage for the week - no fun driving around here!


On Wednesday we took ourselves to Amalfi town for the day, catching the ferry - what an awesome 25 minute trip along the coast.  From the sea the mountains are breathtaking and the little villages which cling to the steep slopes seem to be built in impossibly difficult terrain.
Leaving Positano - our place is up there in the middle above Fornillo Beach
  The road along the coast was originally constructed about 100 years ago with an upgrade in the last 40 years.  It certainly deserves its fame as one of the world's beautiful drives (probably best as a passenger!).
  The approach to Amalfi is quite spectacular - the mountains behind the town are especially high and jagged.
Approaching Amalfi Town
  We disembarked and made our way from the busy coastal road to the piazza which is dominated by a very elaborate church.   The usual mix of restaurants, souvenir shops and scooters whizzing about was immediately evident in the narrow streets leading off the piazza.  After a bit of browsing in shops we found a restaurant that appealed and settled in for lunch - delicious pizza, salad and a nice glass of wine followed by pretty good coffee.  Amalfi is not as pretty as Positano and a much more commercial centre catering to the needs of local people as well as tourists.
I think the hibiscus want to compete with the lemons!
Next stop was Ravello, a beautiful town high in the mountains which we reached by bus - a hair-raising trip - but with lovely views over the lemon groves and into the valleys below.
Up through the lemon groves to Ravello 

  The views that greeted us as we left the bus were astounding, breathtaking, mind-boggling - you name it!
First view from Ravello - looking eastwards
Ravello is 365 metres above sea level and the panorama extends both ways along the peninsula - and straight down, I should add.  We walked past the entrance to the Ruffalo Gardens where a music festival (sold out long ago) is being held through the summer months and into the pretty piazza - more views, this time towards higher slopes covered with vines and pretty houses.  What a feast for the eyes!
Hills behind Ravello
From the piazza there is a lovely twenty minute walk to the very famous Villa Cimbrone  Hotel which boasts more views to die for and a beautiful English style garden.
On the path to Villa Cimbrone
  The 7 euro entrance fee is a small price to pay for the pleasure of wandering in the gorgeous gardens and taking in the spectacle of the views.  The hotel buildings are very lovely too and blend seamlessly with the natural beauty.
The gang at Villa Cimbrone
  It was really nice to be here with only a small number of other visitors - I can imagine what it is like in the height of summer.  The gardens are a mix of flowers (daisies, lavender, agapanthus, roses - all pretty common really, but so attractively displayed) and a wonderful mix of trees from every continent, including Australia.
In the gardens of Villa Cimbrone
Garden with a view!
 It was a joy to wander the shady paths on a hot sunny day and glimpse tantalising views of the blue waters below.
At the end of the garden on the cliff tops is a viewing area with magnificent views - a bit of a worry for those with vertigo - be brave, it's worth every scary moment!
Clifftop view - Cimbrone
  What a dream place!
And a scarily long way down!
Conscious of the time and the last ferry back to Positano we forked out for a taxi ride down the hill with entertainment included in the form of a very chatty and opinionated driver - but nevertheless interesting to hear about local life in the area.  Most of the population rely on summer tourism for income and have little to do in the winter months unless they can travel away to get work.  We certainly felt the sting of the need for the tourist dollar when we paid 18 euros for three cold drinks in the square in Amalfi town.  Tried the so called famous lemon cakes of the region called delizie - they are sickly sweet and totally disgusting!
 I browsed in the shops - nothing really appealed - all seem to sell the same things and the others went for a swim, then it was back on the ferry to Positano with more amazing views of the coastline,
Leaving Amalfi town
 We stopped for dinner at La Zagara and then collapsed on our terrace to watch the sun set and enjoy the balmy evening.
Sailing back into Positano
  Aurora and Amy, due to arrive at noon tomorrow, but flight delays mean that they won't get in to Naples until 10.45 pm - we will drive to meet them as the traffic should be light at that time of night.   Stefano is due in on Friday night so another trip to the airport needed but it will be good to have everyone here.
Another beach day on Thursday - it is wonderful to have nothing in particular to do except enjoy the surroundings.  In the evening Alex, Zac and I drove to Sorrento en route to the airport.   We were surprised to find that it is a rather large town with a big port and a row of ritzy hotels lined along the clifftops.  We eventually negotiated our way through the armada of scooters to the central piazza and found a handy parking spot.  The whole town appeared to be out shopping and enjoying the many bars and restaurants - a lively and happy atmosphere as the sun began to set.
  We managed a spot of shopping in one of the narrow little lanes - some souvenirs and a stunning leather handbag for Alex.  The shopping here is much better than in Positano or Amalfi stores which are limited and expensive.  Strangely enough a lot of the Italian "fashion" in the shops there can be found in French markets for about one third the price! As darkness fell we found a place to eat on the piazza - appropriately named Aurora Light!  I had a very interesting Italian version of Croque Monsieur ( really tasty but no doubt hard on the arteries) and then we headed for Naples airport to collect two very excited, running on adrenalin young ladies from New Zealand (my niece Aurora and her friend Amy).  Due to their flight rescheduling in Singapore they had the opportunity to see something of Frankfurt which was an unexpected bonus (or not - Germany is in the grips of a heat wave and air con is almost non-existent).
Friday was a bit of a recovery day after a very late night - lunch at La Zagara, swimming and beach.
Amy and Aurora - lemoning it up at La Zagara
 What more could one want.
Lovely Positano
   In the evening Caroline, Jess and I set off for the airport once again - this time we have beaten the weird ramblings of the GPS and know our way there and back by the shortest route.   A real bonus was the brilliant coral red sunset over the Bay of Naples as we drove down towards Sorrento - unfortunately no chance to stop for photos on the narrow road.
Stefano's flight was almost on time and it was lovely to see him again (especially for Jess). Poor guy has been travelling for the best part of two days - from Azerbaijan, where he was working, to London, to Milan and finally to Naples.  We have a big day planned for tomorrow - the only day when the whole gang will be together. Stefano assures us he is up for it!  Well, all he has to do really is to chill out on a boat and occasionally fall in the water.
Life on the terrace!

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