Wednesday 14 August 2013


Tuesday 13 August

Long time wish fulfilled today - I saw two adorable pandas - real live ones that is! 
Panda paradise - Beauval Zoo Parc. Looking through the glass fence 
  We visited the Beauval Zoo Park which is 5 minutes drive from St Aignan and of course the main attraction is the pandas.  This said, the zoo is a world renowned facility and has many species of animal from all parts of the world.  Being school holidays we expected it to be busy so we made sure we arrived early - around 9.30 am.  It was a good decision as the car parks were beginning to fill rapidly  - any later and we would have had a long walk to the entrance.  Also buying our tickets the day before at the local Tourist Office meant that we didn't have to queue at the gate.
Yes the zoo was very crowded today, especially in the afternoon - silly really, as we found that the  animals were much more lively and interesting early in the day.  After lunch most of them just  wanted to snooze in the warm sunshine.
The park covers a huge area and is organised into distinctive categories - big cats, birds, monkeys etc - or themed sections - Australian animals, African safari and "Heights of China", where the pandas live.
African Safari enclosure

What can one say about a zoo?  The animals all looked very healthy and well cared for and their enclosures seem very well designed, providing a habitat that is in keeping with the wild environment.  I always feel slightly uncomfortable seeing the big cats in a confined space but to be fair they did look pretty content and the young ones were very playful.  The large animals, elephants, giraffes, rhinos etc had acres of land to roam and the high boardwalks gave visitors a great view.  My favourites were the monkeys and there were many different species.  The monkeys live on islands so they are not enclosed - I guess monkeys don't swim.  It is wonderful to watch them interact with each other, to show off to the visitors and especially to see the way they take care of the babies.  Such social little creatures.  Jess reckons it is easy to see how humans and monkeys are related - have to agree! I think the baby monkeys look like little toys.
Monkey island and cute little white baby

Seeing the two pandas was everything I had hoped.  They are separated from each other - apparently this is because if they are too familiar then come mating season nothing happens. There is a very small window of opportunity for successful mating each year so the  idea is to maximise the possibility of producing offspring.  It seems that the panda is quite happy with its own company.
The enclosure is quite extensive and beautifully landscaped to provide these two lovely creatures with an interesting environment yet it allows the visitors great viewing all around.  When we arrived the pandas were very active - wandering about, climbing trees and rocks and investigating their surroundings.  When the keeper arrived with food in big steel bowls and an armful of freshly cut bamboo it was obvious how much the pandas love to eat!
Yummy fresh bamboo!

They were obviously enjoying their meal and provided all the happy snappers with picture perfect poses of panda munching bamboo!  I wonder if they know how cute they are?  The pandas seem quite oblivious to all the people watching them - although they occasionally give us a sideways glance - I think they do know that they are a bit special!

Munchy, munchy - love my lunchy!

We brought a picnic lunch and had to exit the park to eat and then we returned to continue our way around, by now somewhat hampered by the crowds.  So  many strollers and tiny children!  We returned to the pandas and found them both having an afternoon nap so we left them to it and checked out the enormous rhinos and tapirs, the elephants and the mini farm (mostly mini goats who it seems will eat anything). 
Hey, this camera is tasty!  Naw - the plastic wrap is better! (Mini farm goats)
We tried to see the red panda but he/she was hiding in a tree so only the striped tail was fully visible.  Did find out that the red panda is not a panda but a different species, somewhat closer to the racoon.  Pandas are related to the bear family.
Heading back to the panda enclosure we found one of them sitting in the pool - what a funny sight.  They are the most delightful of animals - handsome, funny, cuddly and oh so nonchalant!  It was an absolute thrill to see them.
Just chilling in my tub

By 3.30 pm we were a bit weary and over the crowds so we headed home.  Beauval Park is a great zoo and we really enjoyed our visit.  The facilities are excellent, the animals look amazing and it is obviously very well managed.  I guess the thing would be to avoid visiting during the school holidays - otherwise, highly recommended.

A quiet night at home with takeaway pizza tonight - a little weird but  tasty enough.
Panda nap time

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